Monday, April 13, 2009

Restricted trading

Altough there was a rule which said that full option / four option items are illegal to trade, and that the punishment for breaking it could lead to item deletion, not many obeyed it, and made trades behind our back. So now, trough one of our latest updates we got a system that blocks the trade of full option / four option items, this way nobody can loose the items they donated for.
If you don't have enough money to donate, you can still buy a 3 option set in-game (think so, couldn't try it because I don't own one) but it will cost you a lot of souls and hard work.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Facebook Group

A couple of days ago, we got ourselves a facebook group, which is also meant to keep you up to date with the major events and updates of the server. To join it you must create a facebook account or if you already have one, just click here and join.

Fake virus reports

Due to the fact that our main.exe file is encrypted and antiviruses / internet security suites can't open it, many of them report the file as virus / malware, which is just a fake report. If so, we recommend either adding the file to your antivirus exceptions or downloading Comodo Free Antivirus & Firewall by clicking here.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Votes reseted

Votes got reset once again on xTreme top 100, so please do vote for our server as often as you can. At the moment we are on rank #9 but if players don't vote we won't stand there for long. Click here to vote.

Keep in mind that the better the rank we got the bigger the prizes will be at our 2 years anniversary events.